Episode 6

Published on:

8th Mar 2021

Musician Soumik Datta: Sounds of Silence

When the recording studios shut and the music halls closed their curtains in March 2020, Soumik Datta was left twiddling his thumbs wondering…what now? And then an opening appeared as part of the BBC Arts commissioning round for Culture In Quarantine.

Soumik’s series ‘Sounds of Silence’ was one of just 25 ideas given the green light, as a five-part story exploring the impact of lockdown on musicians across the UK.

Sharing the lessons learnt during his first exploration into radio and podcasting, sarod player Soumik details how The Space offers artists more than just financial backing. His project was supported by Clare and BBC Radio 3 in its shaping and distribution.

For more about Soumik Datta: https://www.soumikdatta.com/

Listen to Soumik’s series ‘Sounds of Silence’ via the BBC Sounds app: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000ls89/episodes/player

Resources referenced during this podcast:

How to start a podcast:

Podcast case study: A Mile In My Shoes, The Empathy Museum.

Presented by Fiona Morris and Clare Freeman.

Music: Jangal & Plantations - written & performed by Soumik Datta/published by Bucks Music Group Ltd

For more about The Space, visit thespace.org

Show artwork for The Space Arts Podcast

About the Podcast

The Space Arts Podcast
27 ballet dancers in the bath, not one but two Billy Barretts, a play set on Facebook...another using 17th century court transcripts, and a bunch of musicians doing nothing but listening to silence... A rather crude sum up of the works featured in the first series of The Space Arts Podcast.
If you're a theatre organisation, a musician, artist, director or producer working in the arts and cultural world, then THIS is the podcast series that will offer a true reflection of what it really takes to make your digital content shine. For more information on commissioning, visit thespace.org

About your host

Profile picture for Clare Freeman

Clare Freeman

The Podcast Coach: Helping ordinary people share extraordinary stories.

Aged 10, I dreamt of having my own production company called A Small Furry Bear. I presented radio shows on a ghetto blaster in my bedroom with my little brother. Now, some 20+ years later, as a podcast coach and presenter - that day dream has become an everyday reality.

Question is, how can we make your dreams of presenting a podcast come true as well?